Imani Wisdom's brainchild -- Pink Noire Publications -- has been known for her unpredictable style of storytelling. Now its founder is expanding the "pink and black" brand to shine on prolific artists. From the inspirationalist, Danica Worthy to bestselling author, Stacy Deanne, Pink Noire understand these talented individuals know how to express their craft through words, song, dance, and stroke of a brush.

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When the name Jamesina (Jami) Greene comes to mind, I think of strength, compassion, and grace. I'm honored to share her story of triumph, overcoming the obstacles that many would succumb to its challenge. Though this Ordained Minister still has a lot of fight; she's a warrior not only in her faith, but for the voiceless who think their past hurts are a definition of who they are. 

Minister Greene was like many who have suffered abuse and lived in the shame. She also can relate to grief, because she understands the pain of losing loved ones. Most people assume ministers, or a person of Faith, live the perfect lives; they live by the Word while gleaming a smile, give time to the less fortunate, and, of course, give inspiration. 

If only it's that simple.

Minister Greene storms were tumultuous, a monsoon of heartache. Truthfully, it's human nature. No matter who the person is, or the background they come from, or how big they're bank account, the pain of depression does not discriminate --even for the person of God. 

And yet this talented author and Blog Talk Host and Producer to her show "Voices of Triumph" has proven her journey is far from over. 

Imani: Pink Noire is proud to welcome Author and Motivational Speaker, Minister Jamesina (Jami) Greene. Before we go further, tell us something yourself.

Jami: I would like to begin by saying that I am truly honored to be a Guest of Pink Noire.  I am grateful for this opportunity to share my heart and my voice with your Readers.  I am a Mother of two Princes and the Grandmother of four Princes.  I am an Ordained Minister, Published Author, Radio Show Host, Entrepreneur and Advocate for loving those who feel unloved.  I am a Voice that has been developed from much pain and loss.

Let's begin with a topic you're so passionate about -- depression. The number of diagnosed cases in this country is staggering. So could you share with the readers your personal struggle with the illness?

You are absolutely correct.  I am extremely passionate about the topic of Depression.  I have struggled with Depression for most of my life, but I was not diagnosed until age 32.  For the majority of my life, I suffered silently.  Wearing the mask that was required of the Preachers' daughter; the Minister/Teacher and a multitude of other roles.  Then in one day, all of the pretense was uncovered.  I hit a that wall, that life event where your reality demolishes your fantasy.  The real me was exposed to me and to others and I was forced to make a choice.  I had to choose to be real and get healed or keep pretending that everything was OK.  I chose to get real and heal.  

I've been diagnosed with Clinical Depression and didn't quite understand the symptoms until my thirties. So what are the signs a "sufferer" should recognize?

The Life Journey itself, comes with days of feeling down and blue.  However, if an individual experiences long periods of feeling down, overwhelmed, hopeless and helpless, I highly recommend that they seek Professional help.  Sometimes things occur in our life, over which we have no control and these things effect our total being to the point that they control us.  If you have experienced great loss, molestation, etc. and everything in your life has changed to the point that you no longer feel in control, then you should definitely talk to someone about it.  I personally believe that the stigma attached to Depression, hinders many people from acknowledging that they suffer with it.  Especially, if you are a Christian.  It has been my experience that too often we are taught how to be fake in the Church.  We often teach that anything that has happened in your past, should stay in the past.  The reality of life is that whoever you are today, is a sum total of all that has brought you to this place on your Journey.  Acknowledge that and then you can move forward.

I've read in another interview that you're a survivor of sexual abuse. I won't ask you to relive that painful part from your life. But I would like to ask had the abuse contributed toward the depression?

My experience with sexual abuse as a child AND as an adult, definitely correlate with the Depression.   The childhood sexual abuse began around age 8 and continued for many years.  It taught me that I was useless and invaluable.  These feelings were carried with me into adulthood and by keeping the abuse to myself, it further pushed me into a depressive state.  This is one of the main reasons that I "go hard" for individuals who have suffered sexual abuse.  It effects every area of your life.

"We often teach that anything that has happened in your past, should stay in the past.  The reality of life is that whoever you are today, is a sum total of all that has brought you to this place on your Journey.  Acknowledge that and then you can move forward"

In your bio on Amazon you wrote, "I am a Voice rising like a Phoenix out of the ashes. I am a Voice for ALL generations developed from pain and loss, mixed with unbridled love and compassion for all who know pain." Very well said, Minister. So is it fair to say, you write not just healing for yourself, but for all who needs to be healed from their own pain?

Yes Ma'am.  To say that "I am a Voice for all..." is the perfect summation for why I write.  After being diagnosed with Major Depression and Anxiety Disorder, I was encouraged by my Therapist to write, daily, in a Journal.  Those writings became the basis for my book, 'Help, I Don't Like Myself!" and the more I shared my feelings and experiences, the more I became aware that there are so many people going through the same thing.  By writing from this very real place, I show them that they are NOT alone and that there is hope for deliverance and peace.  It is my desire to write for as long as I have breath in my body.  Praying that my Story is my Gift to the world, and that lives will be changed by my sharing my Gift.

To make a great inspirational book, which do you prefer: Outlining by chapter, or let it go with the flow?

To make a great Inspiration Book, I personally prefer to go with the flow.  It is my experience with writing, that Inspiration often comes from unexpected place and unexpected times.  Inspiration is like a water flow.  It should be unbridled and allowed to set its own course.  However, I am currently in the process of writing an Inspiration book which contains specific and varied topics.  With this book, I will allow the flow to happen within said topic.

Recently, you've collaborated with the great ReShonda Tate Billingsley, for the book, The Motherhood Diaries. How did the collaboration happen? And will there be another collaboration in the future?

Wow!  What an honor it was to collaborate with the amazing ReShonda Tate Billingsley.  I still break out in a smile every time I think about the connection I have made with her and the other phenomenal Sisterwriters that participated in that project.  The collaboration happened as a result of a Submission Request sent out by ReShonda and her Publisher.  It is my understanding that they received over 300 submissions for the book, but only 21 were chosen.  I was truly blessed to be one of the 21.

I would LOVE to do another collaboration with ReShonda Tate Billingsley.  She is one of my all-time favorite Authors and has become a genuine friend.  We have remained in touch and when I went through major surgery, she personally called me to check on me and has stayed in touch during my recovery.

"Inspiration is like a water flow.  It should be unbridled and allowed to set its own course."

Is there another author you would like to work with -- perhaps another dream collaboration?

Yes!  I would absolutely adore the opportunity to collaborate with Author extraordinaire, Tina McElroy Ansa.  Her writing speaks to my spiritual side and reminds me that I am a spiritual being whose stories must be told.

I know you've experienced the loss of your beloved parents in recent years. You have my deepest sympathy. Yet I'm sure they are smiling down at your accomplishments. What do you they'll say about everything you've achieved?

*Sigh* My parents are my roots.  Even though they have transitioned from their earthly bodies, they still provide me with daily strength.  When I approach obstacles in my Life Journey, I often find myself asking, "What would Daddy and Mom want me to do?  How would they handle this?"  Since their deaths, I hear more and more how much I look and act like them.  (smile).  Sometimes, I actually believe that they speak through me.  I have suffered great loss and change since their deaths, yet, I truly believe that I am much stronger because I am being force to walk out my own Journey.  I now they are proud of me.

 Let me say while writing this interview, you've become my new Shero. That said, with all of your successes and positive spirit, have you ever forgiven the person who abused you? And if so, explain the why the power of forgiveness is important?

Awww.  I'm your Shero. You're gonna make me cry (smile). The power of forgiveness is mandatory for a successful Journey.  Following the death of my parents I really, really had to learn this lesson.  There were many negative, dishonest and downright nasty things that happened to my family after they died.  The Church that they founded and pastored for 40 years, was taken from us and I became extremely bitter.  Then one day, while in prayer, I heard Holy Spirit say, "The essence of your parents cannot be contained in a building.  That building is not who they were.  YOU are the Legacy that they left behind."  At that moment, I began to pray for forgiveness for the bitterness, etc. and have continued to move forward in the freedom that forgiving others provides.

"The essence of your parents cannot be contained in a building.  That building is not who they were.  YOU are the Legacy that they left behind."

Do you have any projects planned for 2015?

Yes Ma'am.  For 2015, it is my desire to complete the book manuscript that my Father and I began together before his death.  I am currently working on my first Children's book and a Daily Inspirational Journal.  I have been conferring with a Music Producer to go in the Studio and record a music demo of a song that I have written.  As a creative being, my mind is constantly filled with ideas.  The challenge I face with my physical health, etc., has slowed me down quite a bit.  But I refuse to give up.

Finally, if you were to have a dinner party and guest list are three legendary figures (living or not), who would they be, and what one question you would ask them?

If I were to have a dinner party with three legendary figures, they would probably be:  1)  Mother Teresa; 2) Gladys Knight and 3)  Toni Morrison.  I would ask Mother Teresa to share with me her personal motivation for loving the unloved.  I would ask Gladys Knight how it felt to break through and maintain a career during a time when it wasn't very easy for women to do so.  I would ask Toni Morrison about her strength to write unpopular stories, while facing such public backlash.

Thank you, Minister Greene. This interview has been a moving experience for me. I truly appreciate you. Could you share with the readers where they can purchase your work, as well as finding you on the web?

It has been a overwhelming pleasure for me to talk with you.  I feel such a spirit of peace and acceptance here.  The readers can feel free to contact me on the following:  Facebook (Jamesina Greene);  Twitter (SheInspires61);  LinkedIn (Jamesina Greene) and email:  At this time I do not have a website.  It's on my "Step up my Game List".  LOL

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