Monday, October 19, 2015


Pink Noire is pleased to have the author of Target and her most recent release, How Do I Choose, Sherry Robinson. Thank you for taking the time to join me. Now, tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Sherry Robinson, and I am a native Chicagoan. I was born July with a birth sign of Leo. I am a mother of two, and a grandmother of six. My love of reading is what sparked my interest in becoming an author. My favorite authors include Danielle Steele, V.C. Andrews, Stephen King, and Edger Allen Poe. With that interest, I began writing books in high school, and my dreams became my reality as I have now published a total of four books (Damaged beyond repair, Targeted, Targeted 2, and How do I choose). In my spare time, I enjoy crocheting, reading, and spending time with my grandchildren. My more adventurous side has led me to travel to various places, such as Canada and Puerto Rico, and my hopes is to someday have the privilege of visiting every state in North America; I have visited 21 states so far and counting.

Among your books, Damaged Beyond Repair, is your biography, detailing your life challenges and how you had overcome them. In the book, you’ve discussed a very sensitive issue: child molestation and the person who was responsible. I don’t want to ask you to divulge the details of that night; but to share the importance of trust and how that might have affected future relationships. 

After dealing with the issue of being molested as a child it has played a big part in my relationships. It has taught me to be distrusting of men, and once I feel them getting to close, I pull away. I have never learn to trust anyone, and maybe that is what led them to ultimately cheat. I have hidden from love for so long that I really don't know how to love anyone. 

When writing this book, what had you learn about yourself?

I have learned that there isn't any room in my life to share with anyone. The people closet to me didn't have any idea that I was caring around this burden. The shame of being molested is worse than the act. I had to live my life sleep deprived, and I couldn't trust anyone with my daughter because I had to shield her from this same act being done to her. Wherever she was I was.

What’s the relationship you have with this person today?

Me and this person is fine. I have forgiven him, but I haven't forgotten about the horror I had to endure at the his hands. He had transformed me into a person that is still hiding in the shadows of my imagination. 

Okay, let’s go from your biography to another work of yours: Target and Target 2. Briefly, tell us the premise of the story and its characters. 

This book is based on a woman{Danielle}. She was trying to befriend a man {John}. She later learned that John was Targeting her, and had ultimately he ended up raping her. She never got past the rape, because John started stalking her showing up every where she was, and he even killed the love of her life trying to keep him from getting close to her. Targeted 2 kept the story  line going because the man she killed ended up returning from the dead, and the stalking continued causing her to try and rid herself of the man that was making her life a living hell.

Your latest release, How Do I Choose, seems like a hot read. Tell us more about it. 

How Do I choose is a hot read it is intended for mature audiences because of it's sexual contents, and explicit language. It's about a woman{Mya} who had a man at home Treshawn who loved her dearly and worshiped the ground she walked on, but she met a man in the club {Marion} that she had one steamy bathroom scene with which had her wanting him more and more, so she started having sex with him every time he came to town. Treshawn bust her with Marion and they ended up in a fist fight where Treshawn asked her right out who did she choose, and she couldn't decide.  

Of all your characters, who would you gladly take out to dinner, and why?

I would take Treshawn out to dinner he was the kind of man that every woman dreamed of. He was loyal, trustworthy, and dedicated.

Are there any projects you’re working on? If so, do tell. 

I have a new release do out soon called "Sins Of The Cloth". This book is a must read because it depict how a pastor got caught up with a woman{ Tara}, and he started breaking all ten of the commandments just to be in a relationship with her.  He started killing, stealing, and everything else until she refused to see him anymore causing him to have a break down in front of the whole congregation. I am in the middle of writing How Do I Choose 2, because one of the readers asked me to, because she wanted to know what happened to Mya after she was unable to choose between Treshawn, and Marion.

From what I know, your challenges hadn’t defined you. So what advice do you have for that person who’s reading this and have gone through similar experiences as you? 

I would tell anyone it took me a long time to find myself. I am still struggling with being molested unable to live alone for fear that something like that will happen again. I say if you have a story to tell, tell it no matter who might disapprove. I had some family members that were in awe, then I had some that said get over it. I will tell anybody if you haven't been in my shoes get over it is harder than you think. I didn't write "Damage Beyond Repair" for the finger pointing, name calling, or for my attacker to be persecuted. I wrote it because I was hoping it would offer me some closure to my pain, and the sleepless nights. It offered me a little comfort, but it didn't help with the sleepless night. I also wrote it because I know this a struggle for many women, men, and children and I just wanted them to know that they are not alone in their struggle, and someone else feels their pain...

Describe your future in one word. 


Synopsis: How Do I Choose

Mya had a man at home that loved her, and supported her fully. Treshawn was a faithful man that gave her sex anytime she wanted it, but she met Marion in the club, and one blissful steamy sex scene in the bathroom had her wanting more of him. Mya knew that she wouldn't be able to stop seeing Marion even if she wanted to. He had her nose wide open, and her legs to. Mya knew she had to hide this romance from Treshawn, so the lies started getting bigger and bigger. She knew she couldn't tell her girls Latrice, and Ania, because they were trying to keep her from falling into the arms of what would be a terrible mistake...When the time came to choose how would she be able to choose between Treshawn, and Marion, because she has feelings for both of them…

Find Sherry at these sites:

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