Thursday, July 14, 2011

DEAR IMANI: An Unexpected Birthday Letter, 2011


Dear Imani,

It’s here after 39 years of ups and downs, the 40th birthday has arrived, and lots have happened leading to this day!

Last year at this time, you sat among the dimness of your bedroom with only your laptop screen blaring before your eyes, writing about your hopes and aspirations walking toward 2011.  So far, everything that you’ve written has come true, or in the process of coming true. 


No, you’re not a published author as of yet. You have always been the type of woman who likes order and making sure every t is crossed and every i is dotted before diving into life-changing decisions.  It is no different than committing yourself on getting healthy.  You have to find discipline within yourself to make the necessary change to become successful.  And that’s what you’ve done; you’ve lost the mental weight of negative thoughts and took your beliefs to a higher level. 

Your short story, Nikki Robinson will be coming to eBooks when your finances permit, as well as your novella, Untimely Revelations will be release in late winter.  Your business plan is coming to action.  Patience is indeed a virtue.

As for your play, The Shattered Mogul, it nearly got swept underneath a pile of your other stories.  The idea of turning this short story into a play wasn’t new for you.  You’ve planned this all along while writing your book.  It just the fact you needed to believe it to achieve it.  Then after your mother’s passing, it was as though as she whispered in your ear like a serene angel early one morning and told you do this.  Well, it’s done and now it’s time to take what you’ve created to the next level.  Get it in production!


It’s always nice to find humor from the pain one’s suffers. Not being able to breathe or walk isn’t a joke, but finding a lighter side to the agony certainly is. 

Getting up at first light for over a year, takes strict commitment.  Sleeping past 6:30 a.m. isn’t in your vocabulary. You love to see and feel God’s nature as you run to stay healthy. 

It was never about being a size 2, but as you wrote in last year’s My Birthday Blog, you had said, I don’t have a particular weight goal. I just want to be able to fit in cute jeans and not freakin’ MOM JEANS or tight ass elastic jeans that my 82-year-old Grandmother wouldn’t wear herself.  I just want to get healthy. 

You went past those expectations; you even made your Grandmother proud.  If you don’t mind, I may add that losing 8 pants sizes was a major accomplishment. Those baby steps you’ve taken turned into a sprint toward the finish line.

Next goal: To run in the mini-marathon to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis.


Now that you finally tasted a little of that Pink Strawberry off the Ice Cream Man’s truck, it is time for you to devour every flavor.  Better yet, do a hostile takeover and turned his truck into your upcoming business, Wickedly Sweet Ink.

Has anyone have ever asked you what Wickedly Sweet Ink is?

Wickedly Sweet derive from a combination from two things personal from your life.  You once lived in painful solitude of wicked darkness, treading in a circle to a point of no return.  Then you’ve blossomed in 2011 into a sweet pink rose.  It’s understandable you want to take your battle scars of the past to your new endeavors.  Forgetting what you’ve been through isn’t an option.  Learning from the past choices, and turning them into a teachable moments should also help others overcome their own darkness. 

Uhmmm, I see why you have a feature blog entitled, Imani’s “How to” Moments.  Turn your eff up’s into humor, inspiring, or both.  Make sense.

Mani, I got the feeling 2012 will be even better than 2011.  You’ve grown from a timid woman who wore her low self-esteem on her size 18 sleeve, to a CEO of your publishing company, a writer, aspiring author, playwright, and a vegetarian athlete who don’t believe in the I can’t, I won’t, I shouldn’t, and the I don’t believe’s.  

Now if you excuse me, your future self has pressing matters to do.  No, it’s not attending another book signing or tour.  Nope, this is something I know you’ll be pleased.  This has been eluding you for quite some time.  Now that I have it—or rather him—he’s enjoying the ride as much as you do. 

Make 40 special, girl!  We’ll be waiting.

Black and White Pictures, Images and Photos
40 should be interesting...

Your future self,

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss! You really have disciplined yourself to walking that path that's been waiting for you. Much success on your writing. You'll have to keep me posted. I hope to be ready for publication very soon.
