Thursday, June 2, 2011

Who Is This Imani Wisdom, Anyway?


This blog is an absolutely, meaningless blog but an effective one to introduce who I am.

You may have been wondering what kind of name is Imani Wisdom.  Well, Imani is Swahili meaning faith.  After years of being on skid row, I feel enduring this writing career fits the name perfectly. 

As for my last name, I have to thank my ancestors.  Better yet thanking my ancestors’ slave owner for giving them the last name Wisdom.  It is written in black and white on my birth certificate with the State of Indiana’s seal of approval.  Despite at one time I hated the name.  In fact, I wanted a last name like Smith or Jones, but Wisdom?  I thought it was out of the ordinary, or rather strange.  And now, I’ve grown to appreciate my unique name. I’m going to wear it with honor along with Imani.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s quote is exactly the point as to why I’m adopting the partial pseudonym—faith is taking the first step even when you can't see the whole staircase. 

Taking these steps to see my dream come true as a published author is murky.  I don’t mean gloomy or depressing.  It’s a path of walking into the unknown.  Whether you’re traditional, self-published or have done both it’s scary to put your heart and soul of your creativity for the world to see.  Readers are finicky, and I’m one of them.  No one does not want their life’s work (or what I call my baby) gets critically shredded in pieces.  Then I realize I won’t learn anything about myself as a writer and a business woman. There’s all ways room for improvement. 

Now that I explained my name, I want to explain this blog’s content.  As a writer, I like to expand my boundaries outside my norm.  Sometimes I’ll write an empowering or inspirational blog to better ourselves, including me (remember room for improvement).  Other times, I’ll write what I do best and that’s write brief short stories.  These are the stories that won’t be published, but well enough to share with you.  Or, I may post my writing exercises, example Phase One: Inhibitions.

Finally, my blog feature Imani’s “How to” Moment.  You might be wondering how I got this idea and title.  Everyday, I’m either writing or researching on how to become a better writer.  One day as I was browsing through the internet reading blog after blog, I noticed the majority of these bloggers have some type of expertise in their field.  Giving the fact the only thing I know how is to do is to write, I chose  Imani’s “How to” Moment as a creative way of writing random things from my life to advise readers, I messed up with this or that so you don’t it—as Rupaul would say, don’t f**k it up!

If anyone is expecting me to write a blog on tips in writing, you’re at the wrong place. I feel what works for Tom, Dick, or Harry, may not work for you.  So for this one time, I’m going to write a common sense approach in writing. It’s something I’m still learning as a writer and an aspiring author.  Ready?

After writing countless hours on your manuscript, blogging your life away, researching, joining writing online groups, and networking with some of the best in the literary business, take what you learn from them and make the best of it.  If all goes wrong with your first book, pick yourself up and write another one.  Making mistakes is how you and I grow as writers. I can be the first one to tell you when my short story gets release on eBooks this summer; I’ll be petrified out of mind.  Yet I know it’s a way to get my name out there and for readers to get familiar with my work. 

So there you have it, a brief introduction of who I am and what’s this blog entails.  It’s a cross between anything from empowerment to erotica.  Some would call me a bipolar writer, others would say I’m unpredictable, either way, it won’t bother me. It is what it is.  I’m too wickedly sweet to let it faze me. 

Now I got writing to do, beautiful people. See you on the next blog—later.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing who you are Imani. Imani just so happens to be my 5 year old daughter's middle name (Faith she is and has). You are an intriguing young woman to say the least. Allow God's Wisdom to be placed into you my friend, and you shall become complete, name-wise and wisdom-wise. keep on writing my friend...
