Monday, September 17, 2018

Phoenix Williams, Where Have You Been All of My Life?

No, seriously! 

Where in the heck has this author been?

Phoenix Williams has tapped everything weird thing I read and write: the paranormal, fantasy, romance, anime, and my personal favorite, nail-biting endings.

This novella was so good, that I had to take small breaks to compose myself because of the story's intensity.

But what I loved most about this book, besides purr-fect Alonzo, fearful Daniel, the wise women, or the adoring main character 's teacher, was Adara herself. I love any story featuring a strong woman that actually bends. It's realistic and rings true for millions of women.

Also, if seven stars could exist, I would give it to Williams because it's well-written, well-paced, and the development of her characters are phenomenal!

Ms. Williams, you have a new reader. Anything she writes, I will buy from now on!

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Monday, September 3, 2018

This Is Not Your Average Church Lady Read!

I love God. I'm a woman. I'm deeply spiritual. And, I'm human. These were my initial thoughts as I read Jenna Johnson's "Sins of the Flesh".

This short story began with a curious woman named, Lily. She was beautiful, devout, and yet felt a rage of guilt because of her love for God and his Word.

Now, since the story is short, I won't go into further details of whom she meets, and why, without giving any spoilers. But I will say, there's a "Lily" in all of us. We want to do and live right through our religious values, and yet, there comes a time when our journeys steer us in unexpected directions - sometimes for good and sometimes not so good. Yet, through it all, we lived and learned through challenges and temptations.

This book may not be for everyone. And some probably won't get the premise of the story without questioning the author's intentions.

However, as a writer myself, I respect innovative minds that goes against the status quo and understands the complexities of an imperfect life.

I give Johnson's book 4.8 stars, which I'll round it to a solid five because this story deserves some praise.

No, wait. I didn't mean to phrase that way.

I meant: This book deserves A LOT of praise!

No pun intended, of course.

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Monday, August 27, 2018

Brace Yourself: Mz. Demeanor Does Not Disappoint!

I'll confess: even though I will read any genre as long as it's well-written, I don't often read a lot of Street-Lit. Yet this book by Mz. Demeanor had made me rethink I need to read more books like hers.

This story defines what love is and what love could do when lies are involved. You have an ultimate, urban love story seen through the eyes of Moody and Tell, along with the other cast of characters, Tia and Kirk.

There were times in the book I wanted to smack some sense in every character because "doing the most" clearly was an understatement. But, of course, I won't dwell too much on it because you need to purchase this book and find out for yourself!

Besides the well-written content, I feel, overall, the author's character development was excellent, leaving the reader's, potentially, wanting more of Moody and Tell.

So, if you love intense romance, drama, and lots of backstabbing, this book is for you. Now, you will be forewarned, the ending is jaw-dropping and may be controversial. Still, Mz. Demeanor does not disappoint.

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Monday, August 20, 2018

When I Grow Up I Want to Write Like James Baldwin!

Okay, maybe not write like this gifted writer and author, but having the ability to write with such sensitivity, poetic prowess, and a tenderness from the soul.

This book "Go Tell It on the Mountain" as of now, is one of my favorites by James Baldwin. The story depicts a family from Harlem with unwavering, Christian values, and yet bears the inner- demons of their past. Seeking redemption is never easy, and especially for the patriarch, Reverend Gabriel Grimes.

Yet the main character, a boy named John from the same family, shakes and fights for redemption. Even though his temptations were benign compared to other characters as told brilliantly by Baldwin.

And speaking of "brilliance", Baldwin's dialogue is superb! The utterance of their words through the book with the vernacular tone that reminds me of my Grandmother and her Southern upbringing. The writing overall, however, is purely exceptional.

I give this book 4.7 stars, rounding to a deserving five stars, not because of James Baldwin, or his gritty prose, or the timeless content, but it's one hell of a book!

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This Book Has a New Definition of "You Reap what you Sow!"

Jamaica's own, J.L. Campbell, brings the island in a collection of masterfully-written short stories. Call it karma or whatever faith that defines "when wrong comes back on the person" is brilliantly told.

From the first story to the last, the author paints vivid tales of abuse and revenge through her poetic prose. Within each word, I could hear the oceanic waves, along with the sweet subtle scents of jasmine.

But what I also enjoy is how Campbell shares the island's beautiful language. As I'm reading most of the dialogue, I'm slowly repeating the words, feeling as if I'm a part of the story.

If you're a fan of suspense and thrills, and chills, you need to buy or download this book!

There are talented writers and then there are gifted storytellers, and Campbell has an amazing gift for prolific storytelling.

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